Move Forward is a digital consulting agency. We support our clients in growing their online business effectively and scalably.
  • 1. What does Digital Business Agency mean?
    Move Forward is a strategic consulting hub specializing in digital transformation, communication, and comprehensive digital marketing. This means that we analyze each client's needs and goals in a unique and dedicated way, aiming to find the most suitable solution.
  • 2. Why can't I find a typical list of services from a digital marketing agency or a web agency?
    As a digital consulting and business agency, we obviously use the typical tools of digital marketing and the web, but for us, they are just tools necessary for achieving each client's specific goals. As consultants, our job is to provide our clients with a clear and feasible solution, which will involve some or all of the typical tools: online advertising campaigns, websites, e-commerce, mobile apps. The most suitable tool (or tools) will depend on the individual case.
  • 3. So, I can't ask you to create a website?
    Let’s say you contacted us saying, "I need a website." Our first question would be, "What do you want to do with it?" It is essential for us to understand your business, your challenges, your needs, and your ambitions. After this analysis, we can define the necessary steps to achieve your goals and determine not only what type of website you need but also what digital context is required for your business to achieve those goals.
  • 4. If I wanted to run advertising campaigns, how much would it cost?
    Important question with no single answer.
    The budget to define for advertising campaigns depends on many factors, such as:
    Type of product or service being sold
    The traffic source from which traffic is purchased
    The target market for the product or service
  • 5. What happens if my goals change during our collaboration?
    There is no doubt that objectives will change; the key point is to have adequate tools to measure results and anticipate possible developments.
    For this reason, we dedicate a lot of time to understanding our clients' businesses.
    Together with them, we define the metrics, which are the elements to consider to understand whether the business is performing well or not.
    And no, this process is not done once at the beginning of the collaboration; it is a continuous, periodic process of analysis, review, and reorganization.
  • 6. I have a website and advertising campaigns that are not working; can you perform some analyses?
    We provide auditing services for a website, whether it's a showcase site, an e-commerce site, or a single landing page, as well as for related advertising campaigns. After an initial meeting where we will try to understand your expectations, goals, and expected results, and thus define the context of your business, we will proceed with estimating the audit.
  • 7. I have already spent money and I don't see any results.
    One of the most common mistakes is to start a certain activity, whether it’s developing an app, an e-commerce site, SEO activities, or advertising campaigns, without first stopping to thoroughly analyze business objectives and estimate the appropriate amounts and timelines.
    Often, one starts from the maximum acceptable expenditure without conducting the necessary analyses to determine if those amounts are correct for our target market.
    Alternatively, one might decide to develop a particular product because it seems to be the trendiest, but not consider if our business is suited to that product and how it communicates and is used. There is also the mistaken belief that the digital world is fast and therefore results are immediate.
    This is only partially true and not applicable to all cases.
    For example, advertising campaigns can yield results more quickly than SEO activities, which are typically measured over a 6-9 month period.

    Finally, a crucial aspect not to be underestimated. Our business objectives are not achieved with just one activity; a strategic business solution (digital or otherwise) involves various options and a path to follow.

    Some options must be pursued simultaneously, others sequentially; some are mandatory, others optional.

    Don’t think that simply uploading your mobile app to the Apple or Google store will make users find it and fall in love with your service; it won’t work.

Let's Get In Touch.

    Contact us and share your project. One of our consultants will reach out to you shortly.